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We’re thrilled that the pairings of father and son volunteers, Tristan and Jeff, with Grandparents, David and Mabel, has been showcased in The Caring Times.

Tristan Sue, 15, and his 48-year-old father Jeff have “adopted” 78-year-old David Abel and 74-year-old Margaret Smith from Surrey care homes Surrey Heights and Kings Lodge.

Jeff said: “The process to apply was straightforward and pairing up with a suitable ‘grandparent’ occurred within a month or so.  All the calls have been scheduled for times to suit everyone and both care homes have been very supportive throughout. I’ve spoken to Margaret four times now and we get on really well, covering a variety of topics during the calls. It has certainly been an enjoyable programme so far and I would encourage others to sign up.”

The Impact of Adopt a Grandparent

Karen Roberts, Surrey Heights’ wellbeing co-ordinator, facilitates the calls between Tristan and David. “During the calls, David always smiles and laughs which is wonderful to see,” she said. “Despite having advanced dementia, David responds well to Tristan and enjoys the contact of a younger person.”

Founder of Adopt a Grandparent, Shaleeza Hasham, said: “We’re delighted that Tristan and Jeff have added an extra generation to their family with their recent ‘adopted’ grandparents.”

You can read more of this article here:

Adopt a Grandparent signs up father and son

Those who wish to sign up as a volunteer can do so by completing this form or downloading the free app, which is available through the App Store and Google Play


Adopt a Grandparent raises over £20k through beneficiary partnership with Championing Social Care